Thank you for joining the community. In order to keep things friendly and organized, please observe the following rules when using the forum.
1. Be respectful of others. We're all here to have fun, so please conduct yourself in a peaceful and cooperative manner. Please do not post anything that could be viewed as hateful, abusive, racist, threatening, or otherwise offensive.
2. Stay focused and organized. Please keep your topics and posts appropriate to the section you are posting in. We want people to be able to easily find the information they're looking for, so please don't stray too far off topic. Feel free to start new topics to discuss subjects unrelated to the current topic.
3. Don't make useless posts. Do not "bump" topics, or post multiple times in a row in the same topic. Instead, edit your post to include the additional info.
4. Necro topics. Please do not post in topics that have not been posted in for more than a month. Unless you're posting the solution to an unsolved issue, or directly responding to a specific post, it's usually better to start a new topic.
5. Identical topics. Please do not start a topic that covers exactly the same subject as another current topic.
6. Confidential Information. Protect your sensitive information. Do not share your login details for the game or the forum with anyone. Do not post any information that should not be publicly viewable, such as private correspondence, personal information, account information, etc.
7. Reporting violations. If you see a post on the forum which violates our rules or policies, please report the post to the moderators. If you encounter someone in-game that is cheating or otherwise violating the rules, submit a ticket in the Helpdesk, and it will be dealt with accordingly. Do not publicly post anything related to rule violations.
8. Account issues. If you have issues with your forum account, SGR account, or SGW account, and need assistance to login, change your email, etc, please create a ticket in the Helpdesk. Only admins can solve these issues, and we may need to ask you for private information like your email address, so these issues do not belong in a public forum post.